Dr.Hakan Inan
Requalite GmbH
Hakan is the Founder and Managing Director of Requalite. He is also contributing and guiding as Senior Medical Writer for IVDR and MDR reports. He obtained his PhD at Nanotechnology and has strong research experience in In Vitro Diagnostic device and test development for Cancer applications. His scientific expertise is in the field of Hematology, Immunology, and Oncology. He accumulated years of scientific and research experience as a PhD student and Postdoc at Stanford (Cancer Early Detection Center) and at LMU-Munich.
About Requalite GmbH: Requalite is a medical device Regulatory and Quality Consulting company located at the heart of Europe, in Munich-Germany. We provide full technical and medical writing support for clinical and performance evaluation to manufacturers of Medical Device and In vitro Diagnostic devices to obtain CE-marking as per EU regulations of MDR (2017/745) and IVDR (2017/746) for entering European market.